kalmanalignment is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham
Kalman Alignment


Go to the documentation of this file.
00001 #ifndef _Track_h
00002 #define _Track_h
00004 #include <vector>
00006 #include <CLHEP/Matrix/Vector.h>
00007 #include <CLHEP/Matrix/Matrix.h>
00008 #include <CLHEP/Matrix/SymMatrix.h>
00010 #include "Det.h"
00011 #include "Hit.h"
00031 class Track {
00032 protected:
00033   // track parameters on a given surface
00035   CLHEP::HepVector    fOrigin;
00037   CLHEP::HepVector    fDestination;
00039   CLHEP::HepSymMatrix fCovariance;
00042   double fMomentum;
00044   double fChi2;
00046   int fNdof;
00051   std::vector<Hit *> fHits;
00053 public:
00054   Track();
00055   Track(CLHEP::HepVector origin, CLHEP::HepVector destination, double momentum);
00056   virtual ~Track();
00058   CLHEP::HepVector GetOrigin() const;
00060   CLHEP::HepVector GetDestination() const;
00062   double GetMomentum() const { return fMomentum; }
00064   double GetMass() const { return 0.105685; }
00066   int GetCharge() const { return 1; }
00068   double GetChi2() const { return fChi2; }
00070   int GetNdof() const { return fNdof; }
00072   void SetChi2Ndof(double chi2, int ndof) { fChi2 = chi2; fNdof = ndof; }
00076   Hit * MisalignedIntersection(const Det & adet) const;
00077   Hit * NominalIntersection(const Det & adet) const;
00079   CLHEP::HepVector * IntersectionWithPlane(const ReferenceFrame & frame) const;
00080   // Parameters
00081   // format is (tx, ty, x, y) 
00082   // where tx = dx/dz = tan(theta)*cos(phi)
00083   // where ty = dy/dz = tan(theta)*sin(phi)
00084   // x, y global x and y coordinates at z=0
00085   CLHEP::HepVector GetGlobalParameters() const;
00086   void SetGlobalParameters(CLHEP::HepVector p);
00087   void SetGlobalCovariance(CLHEP::HepSymMatrix covariance) { fCovariance = covariance; };
00088   CLHEP::HepSymMatrix GetGlobalCovariance() const { return fCovariance; }
00089   CLHEP::HepVector GetLocalParameters(const ReferenceFrame & frame) const;
00090   CLHEP::HepSymMatrix GetLocalCovariance(const ReferenceFrame & frame);
00091   void SetLocalCovariance(const ReferenceFrame & frame, const CLHEP::HepSymMatrix & covariance);
00092   // derivatives from local to global parameters
00093   CLHEP::HepMatrix Jacobian(const ReferenceFrame & frame) const;
00094   void SetLocalParameters(const ReferenceFrame & frame, CLHEP::HepVector p);
00095   const std::vector<Hit *> & GetHits() const { return fHits; };
00096   std::vector<Hit *> & GetHits() { return fHits; };
00097 };
00099 #endif